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Our Global Mission
Clarkson Road strives to reach out to people in need in our community, in our region and throughout the world.
Here’s how we are helping support our global mission.
Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D)

For over 70 years, PWS&D has been working with partners overseas and Canadians here at home to make positive changes in our global village. PWS&D has a wide variety of programs that work to help communities overcome poverty, recover from emergency situations and provide new futures of hope for vulnerable people.

PWS&D works with churches and organizations seeking to transform their communities by promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation. PWS&D supports people and communities according to their need and regardless of faith.

As a community of faith, we regularly support the work of PWS&D. When disasters occur throughout the world, the Clarkson Road congregation provides financial support for the work of PWS&D in helping those who are directly affected by tragedy.

Learn more about Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D).

Compassion Canada

The last Sunday of the month is known as “Loose Change Sunday” at Clarkson Road. Before the children go out to their Sunday morning program, they collect loose change from worship attenders. In 2016, we decided to sponsor a child through Compassion Canada. We chose Compassion Canada because of their commitment to caring for the minds and bodies of the children while helping them discover God’s love for them in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Compassion child is Angel who lives in Kenya. We enjoy getting letters from her and learning about her life and what she enjoys doing. Our children especially enjoy writing to Angel and telling her about their lives in Canada.

Learn more about Compassion Canada.


The Leprosy Mission Canada

Effect:Hope is focused on ending the injustice of the neglected tropical diseases like leprosy, effectively interrupting the cycle of disease, isolation, stigma, disability, poverty and even death.

Since 1892, Effect:Hope has been working together with their partners, to treat diseases that isolate and stigmatize, to advocate on behalf of patients, and to help restore lives. They fund ground-breaking research, provide ongoing care and training to empower patients and healthcare workers.

Over the years Clarkson Road has supported Effect:Hope (the Leprosy Mission Canada), through the collection of used stamps.  These postage stamps are sold to stamp dealers and the money is used to assist in curing people suffering from leprosy throughout the world.

Learn more about Effect:Hope