We are here for you! Contact us by phone, email or mail us a letter if you prefer. SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY ENEWSLETTER and stay up to date with what’s happening at Clarkson Road.
Each Sunday morning we are gathered for in-person worship at 10:00AM. The live service is streamed to our YouTube channel.
Our church office hours are Mondays and Thursdays, 9:00AM – 2:00PM.
Our address:
1338 Clarkson Road North
Mississauga, ON L5J 2W5
Please fill out the form below to help us understand your needs. If you would like prayer, or to speak with our Clerk of Session, Ron Fleck directly, please contact him at 905-820-4536.
Subscribe to our weekly eNewletter and stay up to date with what’s happening at Clarkson Road. By subscribing, you are agreeing to receive eNews communication from Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church. You can opt out at any time you wish.