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WHO We Are
Our Mission

Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church is a community of faith who seeks to love God and love others – embracing all with the love and friendship of Jesus Christ.  We enjoy worshiping, learning, having fun together and serving the community through our various mission and outreach projects.

Our Goals
Our goal is to praise God.  At Clarkson Road we offer stirring and inspiring worship services that include a variety of musical styles, Bible-based messages and meaningful prayers.
Our goal is to grow in faith.  At Clarkson Road we offer opportunities for people of all ages to explore their faith and consider how to live lives that follow Jesus’ teachings through Bible studies, prayer meetings, and much more.
Our goal is to build community.  At Clarkson Road we are committed to building a strong community with those who are connected to our church as well as the wider community through special events, speaker series, and pastoral care.
Our goal is to show what we believe by what we do… putting our faith in to action.  At Clarkson Road we provide opportunities for people to live out their faith through longer-term and one-time mission activities that include food drives for The Compass, providing dinner and worship for Evangel Hall clients, visiting residents of Walden Circle, and many more.
Our Network

Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church is affiliated with The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Our History
  1. SEPTEMBER 15, 1957
    First worship service in Hillcrest Public School with Rev. Malcolm Summers and his wife, Dorothyann
  2. school entrancewayDECEMBER 8, 1957
    Official beginning as Hillcrest Presbyterian Church with 74 charter members
  3. SEPTEMBER 1958
    Relocated to Lorne Park Secondary School
  4. DECEMBER 14, 1958
    Announcement of the purchase of two acres of land on Clarkson Road for $17,000
  5. APRIL 5, 1959
    Name changed to Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church
  6. FEBRUARY 26, 1961
    Service of Dedication of the new church building on Clarkson Road
  7. MARCH 12, 1961
    Entire community invited to Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church’s open house
    construction of church building
  8. MAY 4, 1962
    Induction of Rev. Bert Dutcher as the new minister of Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church, along with his wife, Gertrude and their two children
  9. FEBRUARY 4, 1968
    Service of Dedication of the new Christian Education Wing
  10. SEPTEMBER 9, 1981
    Rev. Clive Simpson joins Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church as the new minister, together with his wife, Donna and their daughters
  11. APRIL 14, 1985
    Rev. Trevor Lewis is inducted as Clarkson Road’s new minister, along with his wife, Joan
  12. SEPTEMBER 12, 1993
    Induction of Rev. Mary Campbell as the new minister of Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church
  13. APRIL 3, 2005
    Rev. John Crowdis joins Clarkson Road as the new minister, together with his wife, Sarah
  14. NOVEMBER 18, 2012
    Rev. Gale Macdonald is inducted as the new minister of Clarkson Road Presbyterian Church, along with her husband, Rev. Dr. Stuart Macdonald